BWEF News - 2019
19 November 2019
Pupils at the Dulaney High School in Baltimore USA who are in a French club have prepared a short video to introduce their school to our beneficiaries in Burkina.
Dulaney High School French Club video.
3 August 2019
One of our students, Diane, successfully defended her Masters in accountancy and obtained 17 out of 20 marks. We are proud of her excellent achievement.
Diane announcing she passed her Master's Degree exam with a score of 17/20.
22 July 2019
The Ouagadougou tech company Fasodia held a three-day computer training session for 19 BWEF grantees, free of charge. The girls from Ouagadougou, Koudougou and Bobo-Dialasso brought their own computers to the course.
Fasodia conducting a computer training program.
14 June 2019
Nane Annan, honorary president of BWEF Geneva, addressed the annual conference of the global women’s network Féminin Pluriel in Geneva and explained how BWEF is helping young women reinvent themselves.
Nane Annan briefing a Geneva-based women's group, Féminin Pluriel, about BWEF.