BWEF Boards
Frederic Eckhard is the Founding President of BWEF. He has created three boards, one in France, one in Geneva and one in the US. This permits donors in each country to claim a tax benefit. The Board Members, like almost all donors, are friends, former colleagues or family members.
Frederic Eckhard: Founding President of BWEF, Former Spokesperson for UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan
BWEF France
Top row, left to right:
Frederic Eckhard, BWEF Founding President. Former spokesperson for UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan
Béatrix Bazin Rushton, BWEF France President. Former UNICEF staff member
Safia Morvannou, BWEF France Vice-President. School teacher in France, born and raised in Burkina Faso
André Orhan, BWEF France Treasurer. Retired Colonel in the Gendarmerie
Bottom row, left to right:
Henri Levacher, BWEF France Assistant Treasurer. Retired lawyer specializing in finance
Caroline Thulliez, BWEF France Secretary. Retired adviser to agricultural firms looking to invest in sub-Saharan Africa
Anne Krefft, BWEF France Assistant Secretary. Retired Chief Inspector of Police in Oxfordshire, England
BWEF Geneva
Top row, left to right:
Frederic Eckhard, BWEF Founding President. Former spokesperson for UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan
Nicole Hochschild, BWEF Geneva President. Communication and Sustainability Manager
Marie Heuzé, BWEF Geneva Vice President. Former UN spokesperson and communications director (Geneva)
Norm McIntosh, BWEF Geneva Treasurer and Webmaster. Returned Peace Corps volunteer in Burkina Faso
Joanna Maxwell Scott, BWEF Geneva Accounts Verifier. Video producer
Bottom row, left to right:
Corinne Momal-Vanian, BWEF Geneva Board member. Executive Director at the Kofi Annan Foundation
Franz Baumann, BWEF Geneva Board member. Former Assistant Secretary-General at the UN and Visiting Research Professor at New York University, President of the Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS)
Afsaneh Bassir Pour, BWEF Geneva Board member. Journalist, former European director of communications for the UN (Brussels)
Ahmad Fawzi, BWEF Geneva Board member. Broadcaster. Former UN Communication Director and Spokesman for three UN Secretaries-General
Nane Annan, BWEF Geneva Honorary Chair. Painter and lawyer
Chance For Change
(BWEF Representative in the United States)
Top row, left to right:
Frederic Eckhard, BWEF Founding President. Former spokesperson for UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan
Susan de Souza, Chance for Change President. Former UN staff member and Governing Board Member of the Association of Former International Civil Servants
Jan Eckhard, Chance For Change Vice-President and Treasurer. Works in music and entertainment industry
Erin McCreary, Chance For Change Board Secretary. Former editing / publishing assistant at UN Women
Bottom row, left to right:
Barbara Crossette, Chance For Change Board member. Author and journalist
Nancy Kovacic, Chance For Change Board member. Elementary school consultant and former teacher, sister of Fred Eckhard
Hanafi Hadjeres, Chance For Change Board member. Retired French translator/editor at the United Nations
Nora Updegrove, Chance For Change Board member. US Department of State employee