BWEF News - 2020

5 December 2020

Our latest computer distribution started at the end of October. In this round, eight students received one, including Stéphanie, a first-nursing student. The refurbished laptops and bags are donations from the Rennes school district in France.

Stéphanie holding her first computer.

November 2020

Christine Gnoumou, our local representative, visited the cities of Bobo-Dioulasso and Koudougou on her first follow-up mission to see how our beneficiaries outside the capital are faring. BWEF President Fred Eckhard would usually make his annual visit to Burkina at the beginning of each year, but he sent Christine to touch base with our young women because of Covid.

Christine, in the blue and white dress, with BWEF beneficiaries in Bobo-Dioulasso

29 September 2020

BWEF have chosen eleven young women as new recipients of financial aid for the school year 2020-21. For the first time, we invited them to an orientation program, held at the newly renovated French Institute in downtown Ouagadougou. Each girl was given a manual explaining how we work and what the benefits are, such as full medical cover. The girls also received a membership card to the Institute, giving them access to the air-conditioned library, with free WiFi.

Christiane, standing, the Board member who handles our affaires in Burkina Faso, walked the girls through the manual.

29 June 2020

BWEF began distributing food to its graduates, as well as current students, as part of our anti-Covid aid effort. Christine, from our Ouagadougou office, contacted the 23 graduates from Koudougou, Bobo-Dioulasso and Koudougou. A surprising number (all but 4) indicated a need for food.

Winnie collecting her anti-Covid aid.

9 June 2020

At the weekend, BWEF worked with our partner, Solidarité, to get the second distribution of maize and soap underway in Bobo Dioulasso.

Solidarité’s Catherine Yameogo had bought the supplies. One of our students, Thérèse, delivered a 100 kg sack of maize, 5 litres of cooking oil, soaps and money for masks to 9 girls.

Thérèse (Master's student in law) (center). With Sita, left, third-year nursing, and Fatoumata, right, first-year accounting.

26 May 2020

BWEF is proud to announce that our April appeal for funds to help our beneficiaries cope with the challenge of COVID-19 in Burkina Faso has raised a total 6,000 CHF/euros/dollars. The focus of our campaign was to provide soap and masks to help protect the girls and their families from the virus. But thanks to the generosity of donors, we have been able to add supplies of maize and oil to help them through these difficult months.

Christine delivers supplies to Anayiss who is in her first year of business management at university in Ouaga. Photo Abdoulaye Bamba

17 April 2020

The Burkina government has updated the number of deaths from coronavirus to 32, reporting a total 546 cases (down from previous) and 257 recoveries. All citizens will be required to wear a mask to protect against coronavirus starting from April 27. Government spokesman Remis Dandjinou said that the government would ensure distribution in sufficient quantities across the country before that date.

Source: Johns Hopkins Coronovirus Research Center

6 April 2020

The Burkina government is currently reporting 20 new coronovirus cases, with 384 in total and 19 deaths. Each of our 25 beneficiaries, like Zénabou, a final year dressmaking student, will receive two bars of soap per week for themselves and their families. We have also been advising the girls, by WhatsApp, how to stay safe and prevent the virus from spreading. It’s a programme we expect to run for at least three months. 

Zénabou received two bars of soap a week to fight against Covid; we later would add food aid as food shortages developed.

28 March 2020

The results of the test for national service in nursing are out. Our beneficiary Marie has passed and now has a job for life. We paid for two years of law school for her and she failed twice. She said she would like to try nursing and she finished three years of nursing school heavily pregnant with a second child but was near the top of her class. Now married, two babies and a job. Congratulations to her and to us!

Marie is now a midwife.

12 March 2020

Diane, who recently defended her Master's thesis in accounting, has won a government fellowship to do post-Master's study in financial management with a guarantee of a government job for life after she finishes.

Diane now has a job for life with the Government.

4 March 2020

Our beneficiary Jacqueline has just defended her Master’s thesis on Environment and Sustainable Development, obtaining an excellent 17/20 grade.

Jacqueline proudly showing her thesis which she successfully defended.

28 February 2020

Pélagie, a beneficiary since 2011, won a European Union fellowship to do a Master's study in Water Management--the EU gave one grant per country in Africa and Pélagie got it for Burkina Faso. We paid for her undergraduate degree in hydrology.

Pélagie announcing her European Union fellowship.

17 Febuary 2020

Anne Penketh, BWEF Geneva board member, visited Dulaney High School in Baltimore to talk to pupils about Burkina Faso. Their French club did a video to introduce themselves to our beneficiaries.

Anne Penketh addressing students in Baltimore.

16 February 2020

Fred Eckhard, BWEF Founding President, published the annual report of BWEF Geneva, BWEF France and Chance for Change.