BWEF News - 2022

October 2022

Several new BWEF beneficiaries received used laptops that were donated to BWEF by the United Nations Geneva Office (UNOG) as well as Symbiotics Group in Geneva. The laptops were sent to Burkina Faso and then distributed among new Burkinabé students starting university who are supported by BWEF. During the BWEF orientation session at the end of September 2022, these girls benefited from a course on how to use a laptop which was led by a locally recommended computer expert. The the joy of receiving the laptops is well reflected in their smiles.

BWEF students receiving their first laptops.

August 2022

BWEF supported 34 young girls in Burkina Faso in 2022, with tuition fees, supplies, lunch, transportation, housing, health and hygiene during their higher education. Colette is one of them. Here in her house in Ouagadougou. Colette's mother sells charcoal to feed her family. Her father died nine years ago. She has two brothers and two sisters; all four are unemployed. Colette studies communication and would like to be a radio or television presenter. Her mother is proud of her.

Here is Colette’s modest family house in Ouagadougou.

April 2022

Haoua, the first of our students to successfully complete her master’s, told us she always wanted to do humanitarian work. In 2021, using her own savings, Haoua organized a group of volunteer women donors to help people in need in a dozen villages around Ouagadougou. The donors gave food as well as support to children to go to primary school. The association has an English name, “Just a Smile”. They now want to expand to work with orphanages to support orphaned children, so they are going to establish themselves officially.

Haoua wrote to us. “BWEF not only allowed me to have a degree and a job, but also instilled in me a humanitarian spirit that gives me such joy. Thank you so much!”

A volunteer from Haoua’s association “Just a Smile” helping out a community member.

3 February 2022

Christine, BWEF’s local representative, reports that although the north and east of the country remain violent, life is returning to normal in the capital following the coup. In Ouaga, she was able to distribute another anti-Covid aid package for our current beneficiaries. 18 girls received a sack of rice, a bottle of cooking oil and soap. These supplies will also be available for our beneficiaries in Koudougou and Bobo Dioulasso later this week.

Anti-Covid distribution of rice, cooking oil and soap.

January 2022

Fred Eckhard, BWEF Founding President, has become a Chevalier de la Légion d’honneur in France’s 1st January 2022 honours list.

The Legion of Honour, France’s highest order of merit, was created in 1802 by Napoléon Bonaparte to recognize special merit in the service of the country. It is Fred’s work setting up and running BWEF in Burkina over the last 11 years that is honoured. Congratulations Fred! Well deserved.

André Orhan, Treasurer of BWEF France and himself a Chevalier of the Légion d'Honneur, pinning the medal on Fred's lapel as the Mayor of Saint-Quay-Portrieux, Thierry Similière, looks on.