BWEF News - 2023
September 2023
Our national NGO, BWEF Faso is now up and running. The new association, which will help us carry out our work in Burkina, is currently reviewing requests for aid from over 45 young women for the school year 2023. Mariam Savadogo is BWEF Faso’s new president and Christiane Toé is treasurer. They have been representing Chance for Change and BWEF respectively since 2011.
Christiane Toé (left), BWEF Faso Treasurer, and Mariam Savadogo (centre), BWEF President of the newly established BWEF Faso. Christine Gnoumou (right) continues as BWEF’s only salaried employee.
April 2023
Meet BWEF’s Consultative Group in Burkina Faso consisting of two generations of women; members of Christiane Toé's former association of university women and our graduates. The Group is a significant step in turning over our operations to our partners in Burkina Faso. For the school year 2023-24, this Group will nominate candidates for aid and propose budgets for them. We expect that in the course of 2023, a national NGO will be established that will officially accept these responsibilities.
The BWEF Consultative Group, from left to right: Haoua and Sonya, both are BWEF graduates. Then: Armata, Edith, Fred, Christiane, of the older generation. And more BWEF graduates: Ursula, Raja, (Christine) and Hélène.
March 2023
Our thanks to the Hirschmann Foundation for their generous grant of 10,000 CHF. The Swiss-based charitable foundation is active in supporting the education of talented young people and young adults. We are delighted that the Hirschmann Foundation is able to help support BWEF students too, like Zoulfadzou (pictured here), who is in her first year of agricultural studies.
Zoulfadzou, BWEF student